Fundraising Events & Activities

Your support makes the difference

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If you have any problems or questions please call us on 01206 394124 or email on

For some ideas on potential fundraisers see our Team Fundraising page here.

Sponsorship Form

Download your sponsorship form for your events here, includes a Gift Aid section.

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Up next …

31st October 2021 – The WitchFinder Trail Run / Walk Returns!!!

It’s back…. The WitchFinder Trail Run / Walk but this time it’s on Halloween!!!! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Although the poster may be a little darker this year the event won’t be with the friendliest volunteers around to make your day extra special.
Like before the event is family friendly including the four legged friends and dressing up is especially encouraged this year although you might want to bring your wellies as it is October so may be a little muddy….. but that’ll only add to the adventure.

Entries are limited and are now open!!!
This is the only Acorn Fundraising Event this year due to covid restrictions so please help us to make it a big one!!!
Thanks to our amazing volunteer who is coordinating the event, what a superstar! 
Don’t forget, if you raise over £50 you get a free t-shirt!!


 Fundraising activities like this make such a difference to the lives of adults with learning disabilities especially now as we can’t run any fundraising events of our own so a huge thank you to our volunteer.

 If you’re feeling inspired by them, get in contact with your ideas and we can help where we can!

Covid_19 / Coronavirus Stops All Events 

Coronavirus may have stopped all our fundraising events but it hasn’t stopped our superhero supporters from doing what they can to help adults with learning disabilities.

Our Witchfinder volunteer organiser ran an online Quiz via Zoom which was unlike any other. Everyone who entered had a wonderful time.

Supporters have been selling items outside their houses and donating the money to help. This is a great way you too can get involved.

The latest supporter fundraiser involves a very unique opportunity…

We are delighted to be able to announce professional artist Carol Sugden has created a one-off piece of #covidart to raise money to help adults with learning disabilities at Acorn Village… find out more below.

May 2020 There is Hope’

‘I haven’t seen my daughter since the 16th March. Since then the world has changed dramatically.

My daughter has been at Acorn Village for 27 years having a life I never expected possible. If you told me 27 years ago she would be the person she is today with more good days than bad, the ability to communicate in a way that suits her needs and empowered to have her own independence yet with full support, I wouldn’t have believed you.

Since losing my husband David, painting hasn’t held the same appeal for me and had been put aside. However it saddened me to think of Acorn Village losing all of its abilities to raise money as it’s such a special place and I wanted to do something about it. It was actually my gardener that helped me to realise I could do this through my art.

The Covid-19 pandemic put a hold on life and I wanted to express through my painting that throughout the darkness there is hope. As Acorn Village is based in Mistley, Manningtree I wanted to focus on the River Stour. Covid is trying to smother the river and the town, indeed the world, but nature and it’s people are a united front. The battle between land, water, sky, townsfolk and the virus will continue for as long as is necessary.‘

Carol Sugden has previously studied first at Leeds Art College then later at St. Martins London and has sold her paintings in the Sutcliffe Contemporary Galleries.

Carol’s previous art has been valued at £600+, she’s not expecting this amount from this piece but is hoping to raise as much as possible to help adults with learning disabilities at Acorn Village.

Please see Carol’s other work at her website:

If you would like to put an offer in, please go to her website and fill in the contact form with your offer. Offers will be open until the 31st July 2020 when the highest bidder will be contacted. We would appreciate a minimum starting bid of £150.

Thank you to Carol for this unique opportunity to own a piece of history that will no doubt become a family heirloom in years to come.

Size: 55cm x 46cm

Please could you share and help us raise as much awareness as possible for this chance to own this unique masterpiece.


September 2020 – Oli and Mark’s Excellent Adventure 2

A big thank you to staff member Mark and his friend Oli who are going to walk to Nayland from Mistley and back again in September (totalling 50 miles) to raise vital funds for adults with learning disabilities.

 ‘We are walking to Nayland from Mistley and back. for Acorn Village Charity because It is an absolutely amazing charity 🌞’

 Mark’s been getting some practice in with the help of some of the supported living tenants who are helping him to keep going and will no doubt be in his mind when the going gets tough!! 

We’ll keep you updated on our social media with how he get’s on. 

If you have a few spare pennies and can sponsor Mark and his friend then click on the photo or here.
(Editor note: I’ve done a few sponsored events before (for Acorn of course) and can’t explain the incredible feeling and incentive it gives when a complete stranger sponsors your efforts, so a big thank you in advance if you can help Mark & Oli.)

 Fundraising activities like this make such a difference to the lives of adults with learning disabilities especially now as we can’t run any fundraising events of our own so a huge thank you to them both.

 If you’re feeling inspired by them, get in contact with your ideas and we can help where we can!

CANCELLED – Sunday 3rd May 2020– The WitchFinder Trail 5k/10k Returns

Thanks to our incredible supporter, the popular WitchFinder Trail 5k/10k returns and this time it has a brand new website with lots of information on the event. Check it out here –

100% profit comes straight back to helping adults with learning disabilities and thanks to generous sponsors of the medals – thank you Essex & South Suffolk Community Rail Partnership,  and hopefully other sponsors, this will ensure minimal costs.

It’s a beautiful route taking in the river and woodlands as well as the historical sites, why not get a group of friends together, set yourself a new challenge, or try to beat your PB and help raise lots of money for vulnerable adults.

Those who raise over £50 will get a free tshirt and don’t forget, this event is for the whole family including the four-legged furry ones.



Past Events throughout 2019 & 2020 until March…

Spring Sales 15th & 16th March: A huge thank you to everyone who came and supported this sale. It made nearly £2000 to help adults with learning disabilities.

Sunday 14th April – WitchFinder Trail Run 5k & 10k. Thanks to volunteer supporter Simon arranging this event, he made almost £3900 on this event in it’s second year.
Read all about it on the news blog.

Stay tuned for 2020 dates.

Friday 2nd May – Acorn Charity Invitation Shield. Thanks to the volunteers for arranging this successful football tournament. Read about this event.

Saturday 20th July – Thank you to the local Rotary Manningtree group for another wonderful music in the walled garden event. Enjoyed by all who came they raised £120 to help adults with learning disabilities.


Thank you all so much for your support.


27th July Dog Show & Summer Fete 2019

There are so many people to thank for making this event a success despite the morning’s downpour.

A huge thank you to every single volunteer, you were incredible! 
The positive attitude & smiles from every single soggy one of you was overwhelming, your support and care makes Acorn Village what it is today, whether you were running the dog games, judging the classes, performing,on the bbq, stalls, sorting the electrics, making teas & coffees, getting drenched in the car park, taking photos,being there to help at a drop of a hat when needed, taking the whole event down at the end in the rain & all those other roles that you do, we are all so grateful & continually moved by your dedication. THANK YOU!

To all the wonderful supporters young & young at heart, who came from all over with or without your furry friends despite the weather to support the charity. You help make the difference ensuring adults with learning disabilities lives are enhanced & empowered opening up additional opportunities through your financial support. Thank you.

Lastly to our beloved four legged friends, thank you all for being so well-behaved, making us all smile & reducing our stress levels with those waggy tails! 
You’re all winners in our eyes.

Thanks to the wonderful sponsors and the fabulous Judge Tom from  Highcliff Veterinary Practice

To see a video of the day made by one of the volunteers – click on the beautiful dog to the left. 

Saturday 22nd June 2019 Go Wild for Wetrooms!!

Team Acorn takes on the Equivalent of the English Channel at the Great East Swim

They did it!!! Not only did all 15 complete their challenge they smashed it and managed 25miles raising over £3600 in the process!!

Well Done Team21.

Read all about it here…


Friday 18th & Saturday 19th October 2019 Charity Autumn Sale


Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Charity Autumn Sale and especially to the fabulous volunteers.

They raised an incredible £2,367.55.



Thursday 31st October 2019 Halloween Dance-athon 

Congratulations to our tenant who arranged the Halloween 12hr sponsored non-stop dance-a-thon in the Creative Craft Centre Theatre.

From 8am to 8pm there was non-stop dancing with all sorts of moves and grooves taking place. It wasn’t just non-stop dancing, it was also non-stop smiling.

Well done to everyone who took part and a huge well done to Louise for yet again arranging a community event to raise money.

The total will be announced as soon as the last of the sponsorship money has come in.




Saturday 23rd November 2019 – The Christmas Market & the Magical Grotto


Read all about the amazing Christmas Market here







Friday 6th & Saturday 7th March 2020 – Charity Spring Sale

Thank you so much to everyone who came and supported the Charity Spring Sale, we made over £2000… little did we know this would be our final onsite fundraising event for many months thanks to Covid19.








If you’re running an event to raise funds for adults with learning disabilities, firstly a huge thank you, secondly let us know so we can add your event to this page

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